For much of the past 2-1/2 years that I've been distance walking, I've walked by myself. That's okay, but sometimes it sure would have been nice to have a walking buddy. Finally, one day at church, my friend Connie and I decided we should meet up and go walking together.
Oh yeah. The time and miles went by so quickly AND I had a great time. What a boost to my motivation, too. I highly recommend finding a walking partner!
Here's a pic from yesterday, when Connie and I finished a very long walk.
The temp when we headed out a 7 am was 24 degrees F, with a windchill
of 17 degrees. The big plus was...we had sunshine. Finally!!! Even
though the air was cold, the day was beautiful. I don't know if I would
have braved that cold air if I hadn't committed to this walking date
with Connie. I was determined not to back out. And...I'm so happy that
I didn't.
About a month ago, a couple of other friends from church asked if they could walk with us. You bet.
So we created a private Facebook page for all of us to use, just for coordinating weekend walks on the bike path. Who can go, what time...etc.
Here are a few pics of our walking group, from several different weekends.
I am so grateful for the friendships I've made through this fitness journey I'm on. Just imagine how many more friendships will develop through the coming years. Because, you know...this is a lifetime journey.
Friends are truly a blessing!